

SPOTTED PARDALOTES Pardalotus punctatus

I have not noticed pardalotes in this part of Kilmore before. There are plenty just a little to the north over Green's Pinch. Over this ridge the winter tempertaures are always a degree or two higher and the summer dry off, begins a week or two before Kilmore. Plenty of pardalotes there, not so common here.

Yesterday I found these little birds behind the golf course. They were very busy amongst the cassinia shrubs and amongst the trunks of some small dead wattle trees. They like to feed on the trunks and amongst the leaves of trees, looking for lerps and other small insects.

They are very beautiful birds with their vivid white spots and brightly coloured tails. They have been called Diamond birds or Diamond Sparrows because of these spots.

Their name is derived of both Greek and Latin words. Pardalotus from the Greek, spotted like a leopard and punctatus, Latin for spotted.

They will often be found nesting in creek banks, making small tunnels into their nesting cavity. Those who like to encourage birds with nest boxes, will place a small tube protruding from the box to make the pardalotes feel at home.

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