
Wood Ducks

NESTING TIME  Australian Wood Ducks 

There are many wood ducks (Chenonetta jubata) preparing and settling on their nests at the moment.
They are sometimes called a maned duck or maned goose, although they are of course, a true duck,  often found around damp farmlands, urban parks, coastal inlets and woodlands.

Around Kilmore they can often be seen around the sewerage ponds of Willowmavin, to the west of the town. They do seem to prefer to hunt for food on land so are often seen around dams and are common around the urban areas where there are lakes and waterways.

They nest in tree hollows. The pair pictured were busy inspecting the hollow in the tree they perched upon. At first he male sat above whilst the female had a good look. They then changed places so the female could have a look. I could almost hear him asking, "Is this one all right dear?" He probably was asking just that; sounding just like a long suffering husband. It is thought that these ducks mate for life, so that might explain the attitude.

The male and female are very similar, both with a striking mottled breast. The female mottling seems to be more  marked than that on the male . The female also has white stripes above and below her eyes.

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